Update: Google Authenticator has now been updated and does sync to your cloud and you can much more easily import/export. In the mean time Authenticator Plus has been deprecated and is no longer a useful alternative. It’s cloud sync capabilities don’t work properly anymore and when you export, the categories aren’t saved and the search… Continue reading Don’t Use Google Authenticator
#Drupalgeddon If you haven’t updated your drupal site, it’s infected
Do you host a Drupal website? Did you update within 7hrs of the latest Drupal update? If not your site is likely infected. Ours were. The main issue is an SQL Injection vulnerability in the core of Drupal that can even allow arbitrary PHP to be executed. The fiasco is being called #Drupalgeddon. If you run… Continue reading #Drupalgeddon If you haven’t updated your drupal site, it’s infected
Teach with Reach – I’ve started
I feel good. Today I spent my first day properly working on my education startup Teach with Reach. I’ve done bits and pieces before and pretty much this whole year I’ve spent saving up so I could bootstrap myself and be ready, but I haven’t actually started coding anything until today. The web app is… Continue reading Teach with Reach – I’ve started
Mailchimp Email Obfuscator
I was working on a project that tried to re-skin the Mailchimp email preferences center. Unlike the Mailchimp signup form this page is a lot harder because you need to know the users information. Thankfully this is fairly easily done with some merge tags to make the correct links in the eDM (email) and the… Continue reading Mailchimp Email Obfuscator
The bankers were wrong
The tin foil hat people were right, although tin foil hats won’t stop Government snooping. Also, the government probably doesn’t care about those wearing aluminium on their head. They seem to be more scared of people with towels on their head. The hippies were right Western Civilisation is destroying the planet. The story that we… Continue reading The bankers were wrong
Wireframing, Design and Dev – The cards explanation
When it comes to web development I find that this is useful for people to have a visceral feel for when they should be making changes and what is involved. Wireframes are like working with post it notes, quick to move around and get a feel for the general idea. Photoshop designs are like working… Continue reading Wireframing, Design and Dev – The cards explanation
Apache vhosts broken after Ubuntu 13.10 upgrade
Note to the web server sys admins. Did you upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10? It’s the latest as of Nov 2013 when writing and if you were on an older Ubuntu version then when you logged in it probably suggested you ran do-release-upgrade. Did you press Y or I and accept the package maintainers version of… Continue reading Apache vhosts broken after Ubuntu 13.10 upgrade
Starting with Why
Teach with Reach The core value of Teach with Reach is “To foster a life long passion for learning“. This is something I came up with a while ago but only recently updated the website to reflect. The previous driver that I had was of “fostering paradigm changes in Education” which is really just part… Continue reading Starting with Why
Australia, the prissy boy
Australia is a prissy boy. It’s both sensitive to climate change and vulnerable to it. Ohh and it just decided to get rid of it’s own bodyguards (despite the pleading of friends), walk into the lair of the mafia gang and call the boss a dickhead. This prissy boy is in a fantasy land and… Continue reading Australia, the prissy boy
Political Comments Facebook snapshot
It’s not an infographic, but this is a compilation of various Facebook threads around the recent Australian Election. What was interesting to me is the range of conversations. From pro Liberal to anti-Abbott, from not voting properly to spending a lot of time working out their exact preferences or helping others understand theirs better. I… Continue reading Political Comments Facebook snapshot