w00t! 5+ years of campaigning and we finally have some great news. Solar Thermal is going to be build in Port Augusta! Key Points 150MW CST (Concentrating Solar Thermal) plant. The South Australian state government is buying the power from it at a maximum of $78 per megawatt hour. It’ll be build close to Port… Continue reading w00t! Solar Thermal in Port Augusta
ZDay presentation – Price of Zero Transition to an RBE
At both the Global ZDay event in Brisbane, Australia the New Zealand ZDay event in Auckland in 2017 and at the Global Zday event in Frankfurt, Germany in 2018 I gave this presentation about the Price of Zero transition to a Natural Law Resource Based Economy. The slides are based on the presentation given on… Continue reading ZDay presentation – Price of Zero Transition to an RBE
Zday 2017 – My Experience
Wow, the last 4+ weeks has been INTENSE. Certainly the most intense of my life so far. First it was 12-16hr days at work trying to get a web project at work over the line. Then 20 hour days (yes, only 4hrs sleep a night) trying to move out, putting most of my stuff into… Continue reading Zday 2017 – My Experience
Fixing SA’s power network
There’s a lot of buzz at the moment about a Twitter conversation between Elon Musk and Mike Cannon-Brookes about fixing South Australia’s power issues. Elon says he can fix the issue in 100 days by providing 100+MW of battery storage. Mike Cannon-Brookes says he can find the money and deal with the politics. As a member… Continue reading Fixing SA’s power network
LetsEncrypt / Certbot – Virtualhost vs VirtualHost
Certbot, formerly letsencrypt is a great tool for setting up SSL certificates on websites. I love being able to quickly, easily and for free, setup a HTTPS SSL (TLS) certificate. I use apache to host lots of WordPress sites, custom sites (e.g Symfony) and the like and Certbot helps keep them secure. Except when it… Continue reading LetsEncrypt / Certbot – Virtualhost vs VirtualHost
My ~/.bash_aliases 2017
I have a base ~/.bash_aliases file which I normally use Ansible to update on various servers when needed and thought I’d share it. This is intended for sys admins using Ubuntu. [ Download the bash aliases file here ] The main aliases are : ll – I use this ALL the time, it’s `ls -aslch` and shows the… Continue reading My ~/.bash_aliases 2017
Looking Forward to 2017
Looking ahead, it seems like there’s some crucial parts of 2017 that I’m looking forward to. Mainly a 4-6week period around March and April. Emma my sister’s wedding on the 12th March. Then flying to Brisbane to help organise and also finish prepping my ZDay speech which will be on the 2nd day of ZDay,… Continue reading Looking Forward to 2017
SA Power outage Blackstart in relatively plain English
On Wednesday 28 September 2016 at 4:16pm South Australia had a state wide power outage, a black start event. I, like most people were still at work and managed to continue working for a couple of hours thanks to laptop batteries and mobile phone internet. Although riding my bike home would have been crazy given the… Continue reading SA Power outage Blackstart in relatively plain English
Personal Weekly Review – 12 item list
If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them. As such, doing a regular review is important and talked about in plenty of life hacking / self-help books. The thing is, I’ve had a weekly repeating Google Calendar entry about doing a weekly review for years, but it just said “Weekly Review”.… Continue reading Personal Weekly Review – 12 item list
Initial Ansible Install on Ubuntu
Because I have to run this on any new Ansible or Vagrant machine, here’s a note to myself to make this a little faster. For Ubuntu Linux machines sudo apt-get –assume-yes install nano man git python # For a new, minimal install of Ubuntu, e.g a Vagrant Box, they don’t even include a ~/.bashrc file nor nano… Continue reading Initial Ansible Install on Ubuntu