Friday 13th, pop your collar

Today is a day of many values. It is World Blood Donor day. Which I celebrated by giving whole blood, something I haven’t done in nearly 1.5 years. It is also Friday the 13th, and to celebrate the leaving of a great person from our place of work, we have christened it ‘Pop your collar‘… Continue reading Friday 13th, pop your collar

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Schoolyard Justice – Release date

As per Rodney’s blog, over at Fernby, the short film both of us have been working on will be released this month. In fact, the local premiere will be on Thursday the 26th of June, with the International Web release on Friday the 27th June. Original blog post : If you would like… Continue reading Schoolyard Justice – Release date

Categorised as film, SYJ


Well good news, News that I’ve been waiting to hear for over 7 months, and still can’t believe. Anya (my girlfriend in Russia), finally got her visa! She will be moving to Australia within 2-3 weeks. She was called up about 24 hours ago and notified about it, and has since caught one of the… Continue reading ANYA GOT HER VISA!!

Categorised as Home

Ubuntu 8.04

I recently installed the new Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), on my Asus laptop. The laptop previously had a play around install of Feisty Fawn on it, however I couldn’t remember the password, and after using the live-CD I confirmed there was nothing on the 10Gb partition, which I nuked, to install Hardy Heron.I use the… Continue reading Ubuntu 8.04

Categorised as default

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t updated much, been working as usual. One of the things I’ve been working on is a website (  for a friend of mine, Dave Bodycomb. He’s an Architect and Builder, who is using his wealth of experience to help inspect homes before people buy them. He creates a detailed analysis… Continue reading

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School Yard Justice, an Update

Well, the short film I’ve been working on, School Yard Justice is coming along very nicely. Just a few hours ago I got a copy of the current video edit from the director, Rodney Twelftree. Yay for external HDD’s. While at his place we talked about the tweaks needed to the film, and also to… Continue reading School Yard Justice, an Update

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April Fools Jokes – 2008

This is just a collection of April Fools jokes people found on the net. Web based April Fools jokes : – Google and Virgin setting up a base on Mars — A web based app to age, and de-age people and images. – Some crazy inventions, like a USB pregnancy testing kit,… Continue reading April Fools Jokes – 2008

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Crude Oil – The ABC documentary Not sure about the delicate, and complicated processes required to make oil? Not sure quite sure about all the uses of oil? Didn’t know about how it was used to make plastics, or that it was so heavily relied on for farming? I’m sure you’ve all heard about the possible  environmental damage, or the… Continue reading Crude Oil – The ABC documentary

Categorised as geeky