How much are you paying to have your money stored ? Having recently done some looking around, I was surprised at the number of people who actually PAY to have their money in a bank. A bank invests the money that you store with them, and get paid interest for it. The investment could be… Continue reading Post of the week 003 – Financial Insitutions
Photo of the week – 003 : Candles
Given that I missed last week’s photos (been too busy), below is a couple of photos from the latest product shoot. 1. 2. 3. Photographer : Michael Kubler Product : Sarsberella candles Location : Sarah Angeletti’s house Date : Tuesday 5th August. 2008 More info : (website coming soon).
Thought for the week 002 – Ridiculus Red Tape
How much have you been abused by Red tape? Summary : Annoying customer service misinformation, almost draconian procedures, and stupid loop holes. Story : Recently my girlfriend, who has recently arrived in Australia from Russia was trying to pass her drivers licence learners theory test. I drove her into the city, we walked to the… Continue reading Thought for the week 002 – Ridiculus Red Tape
Photo of the week – 002 : Tania, Ira, Dad
The photo below was take as part of the Schoolyard Justice Movie Premiere, and is of my family. From left to right : Tania, Irina, and Peter. Photographer : Anya Mironova Location : Schoolyard Justice Premiere, at the West Beach Tennis Club. Date : Thursday 17th July. 2008 More info :
Thought for the Week – 001
When did you last update your will? Your last will and testament is more than a document describing how your assets will be divided, it also allows you to describe what will happen with your body afterwards, and a chance to say your final goodbye. Some things to think about: Specify an executor of your… Continue reading Thought for the Week – 001
Photo of the week – 001 : Anya
Hi everyone. Being a photographer, I have decided to show off a photo (or few), once a week. The Photo below is of Anya Mironova, my girlfriend. Yes, it somewhat looks like she is sitting on the toilet, but no, she is not. Click the photo above for a larger version, you can also view… Continue reading Photo of the week – 001 : Anya
World in Conflict – Music Video
Well, some time ago, before I had this blog, my domain was used to host a video I had created. The music video, used footage from the Beta of the World in Conflict computer game, which I managed to be a part of, and the song ‘Hell March‘ which was one of my favourite songs… Continue reading World in Conflict – Music Video
OMG ink is expensive
Well, As some of you might know, I run a photography studio/stall at the Port Adelaide Markets in South Australia. I have a Canon ip9000, which is an AU$1,000 A3+ printer. However it takes the pitifully small CLI-8 ink tanks…. 8 of them. I ordered 3 sets of ink tanks in October last year, and… Continue reading OMG ink is expensive
Schoolyard Justice – WEB RELEASE!!
Well, it’s offical. The Schoolyard Justice short film has been officially released worldwide for public display. Way to many hours trying to get everything working, and I’m sure there are still some issues, so let me know. At the moment the local premiere is likely to be held on Thursday the 10th of July,… Continue reading Schoolyard Justice – WEB RELEASE!!
URL redirecting
Well, I just went through and added some URL redirect rules similar to I now have (or any of the other non-specified domains that I handle) redirecting to I also changed to and also to Once the Schoolyard Justice movie is released online, which is slated for onlly… Continue reading URL redirecting