In the theme of openness and transparency and just generally updating my blog : I’m currently working 9-5 at the Adelaide Festival and the very busy Festival period is starting. I’m developing a web platform for an education startup called Teacher Time. I’m the founder of the South Australian Zeitgeist Movement chapter and would like… Continue reading Update : I’m 108% busy
Green Bike is Green
I thought this was an interesting dichotomy. A bright green bike vs the dark Crowne Plaza in the background.
Occupy Movement Proposal – Be Solutions Based
After a discussion after the GA there was a great idea. Be solutions focused. This is my proposal to the Occupy Movement Proposal : Occupy should not talk so much about what we are against. We should primarily talk about viable solutions which we support and why. We should be solutions focused. If there is an issue or range of interconnected issues without… Continue reading Occupy Movement Proposal – Be Solutions Based
Occupy Democracy…. But what about the human brain?
Some new scientific evidence is emerging which actually brings into question some of the fundamental assumptions of Democracy, especially the belief that a well informed public increases democracy and that people actually care about social issues. — Researchers discover a surprising threat to democracy: our brains — The less people know about important complex issues such as the… Continue reading Occupy Democracy…. But what about the human brain?
Week 3 of Sydney
Well, it’s week 3 of me being in Sydney and I’ve been going through the dip. The part between when everything is new and novel to when you actually get something worth showing. Talking about something worth showing. Here’s a manually placed version of the RaVis explorer tree view which we are using for the… Continue reading Week 3 of Sydney
Save Stargate Universe
Dr Tran
This…. This is awesome. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. [youtube][/youtube]
First week in Sydney
Well, I’ve been in Sydney for about a week so far. The first week out of ~12. It seems to have gone so fast, but also agonisingly slow. It’s over a week since I saw my girlfriend. Since I got to hold her in my arms and kiss her. It’s over a week since my… Continue reading First week in Sydney
The first day of a new chapter
234345 4trdgdfgsdfg 435t635
– Summary –
Director : xxx
Cast : xxx xxx, xxx xxx.
Censorship Rating : x (Ages xx and up)
Target Audience : xxx
Length : x hours xx minutes
Synopsis: A brief blurb of what the movie is about. xxxxx
Review : A brief overview of what you thought about the movie. xxxxx
Our Rating : x/10. xxxx
{Insert actual review here}
Web Browser Extensions
I’ve come to love Facebook Photo Zoom, It lets you put your mouse over a small image (e.g someone’s display pic) in Facebook and it’ll show a full sized (or as close to it as your screen will support) image.