What I look for in a partner

My ‘requirements’ for a partner are fairly simple. You enjoy spending time with the person and you can and do spend lots of time with them (but not too much, personal time is good too). Enjoying your time with a person usually equates to having shared interests and values and getting along, being on approximately… Continue reading What I look for in a partner

Categorised as Personal

Walk for Solar

I’m joining a walk from Port Augusta to Adelaide to promote Solar Thermal. The 300km+ walk will start on the 16th of Sept and take until the 30th. We will arrive in the city on the Sunday hopefully to a large group of supporters with the votes from the community vote which shows that Port… Continue reading Walk for Solar

Lizard’s Revenge Fever 2012

I have the Lizard’s Revenge camp fever. Symptoms include but are not limited to : A deep sense of connectedness with the Earth and all life on the planet. An increased caring for the environment A desensitisation to first world problems A strong aversion against politics and blatant profit making A longing to create a… Continue reading Lizard’s Revenge Fever 2012

Categorised as Activism

Creepers Advert

This advert against going a little bit faster has been playing in South Australia for a little while now. I basically never watch TV and yet I’ve seen it my share of times. But is it really effective? This post isn’t likely to have any good stats, because it isn’t about that it’s about how… Continue reading Creepers Advert

Fishburners Skype convo – List of Angels/VCs in Australia

[3:35:58 PM] robertaoliu: if anyone else finds this useful, here’s what I’ve got so far for angels/VCs in Australia [3:36:09 PM] robertaoliu: info@stanski.com, admin@nextec.com.au, info@optimum-capital.com.au, admin@starfishvc.com, admin@alchemyequities.com.au, deals@melbourneangels.net, simon.macfarlane@lenoxmontague.com, lmacklin@cvc.com.au, info@divergent.com.au, greg.wang@equitypartners.com.au, vcp@vcp.com.au, info@innovationcapital.net, info@rightclickcapital.com, contact@a-b.com.au, mhirshorn@fourhats.com.au, enquiries@tvp.com.au, john.murphy@investec.com.au, info@allencapital.com.au, ascalon@ascalon.com.au, sydney@lazard.com, enquiries@catalystinvest.com.au, mail@co-investor.net, contactus@conceptfs.com.au, mail@crescentcap.com.au, paul.batchelor@dbcapital-partners.com, rdulhunty@devcapital.com.au, enquiries@ethicalcapital.com.au, privateequity@gs.com.au, sydney@gresham.com.au, contact@hawkesbridge.com.au, info@helmsman.com.au, keith@ktmcapital.com.au, info@rmbcapital.com.au,… Continue reading Fishburners Skype convo – List of Angels/VCs in Australia

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4 Paradigm Changes

There’s 4 main things that I’d like to help usher paradigm changes in : Entertainment – Using the Multipath, interactive online video concept. Education – Using a combination of the flipped classroom model and child-driven self education. Energy – From centralised Fossil Fuels, to decentralised renewables (although I’m helping push some large scale centralised renewable… Continue reading 4 Paradigm Changes

The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer.

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