Representative Democracy can it work?

In Australia and the majority of the Western world we have a form of democracy called representative democracy.  We vote for people who represent us. Our economic system both expects and requires that people work in their own rational self-interest. The question is, how can a representative democracy work in our capitalist driven economy? We… Continue reading Representative Democracy can it work?

DPI… I don’t care

I don’t care that you are in Print, I’m in Web and 300dpi vs 72dpi doesn’t matter what matters is the number of pixels. A 200 x 200px image could be listed as 300dpi but horribly small whilst a 3000 x 3000px image could be 72dpi but giant. </end rant>

Categorised as web design

Optimising Human potential as we head towards the singularity

The many of people, myself included have fallen into a trap. We have a set of behaviours when using a computer which are mostly there to optimise the power of the computer, not of humans. We might have to start copying a load of files and leave the computer for a while as things are… Continue reading Optimising Human potential as we head towards the singularity

Peak Oil causing GFC

Below is based on a Facebook response I wrote to someone asking for evidence that the GFC caused peak oil. The often cited cause of the GFC was sub prime mortgages in the USA. People who purchased crappy housing with little to no risk on their part. But why is it that the deal seemed… Continue reading Peak Oil causing GFC

Civilisation Breakdown

I don’t think Civilisation will collapse as everyone keeps being worried it will, it is more likely to either break down or undergo multiple major paradigm changes at once. Henceforth I will try and use the term ‘Civilisation breakdown‘, instead of  ‘Civilisation collapse‘. It gives me more leeway in being able to say “I told… Continue reading Civilisation Breakdown

To Sell is Human – Dan Pink

One of the TED talks I have watched the most and basically require other people to watch is on The Surprising Science of Motivation. In the presentation Dan Pink talks about Intrinsic Motivation, something which as a programmer, film maker, entrepreneur and activist I am very deeply motivated by. In the TED talk Dan Pink basically explains… Continue reading To Sell is Human – Dan Pink

Dust, insidious dust

The sun beats down, heating a particle of dust on the ground. It shakes and vibrates with heat and excitement, raring to get away. Plod goes the feet and with a puff of air the dust is off and away. In the air, it is joined by millions of friends as a cloud forms behind… Continue reading Dust, insidious dust

Categorised as default

Cigarette burned heart

“Look into their eyes Elation, tenderness, love. The feeling grows inside, but the outlet is broken unable to dissipate it fills the brain. Caustic it goes and with it your body, Can’t think, can’t eat, can’t work, can’t play, The blockage is still there, but the heart can’t wait. Out of phase, out of sync, bad timing,… Continue reading Cigarette burned heart