Over a year ago I got the Huawei GT2 Pro watch. It was a present from my wifey. https://consumer.huawei.com/ph/wearables/watch-gt2-pro/ Only today did I work out why certain songs can’t be uploaded to it. TLDR: You need to have a sample rate of at least 32khz. Use V7 in MP3 LAME encoding settings, v8 or 9,… Continue reading Adding MP3s to the Huawei GT 2 Pro watch
Category: Michael Kublers
Systemic issues with Cryptocurrencies
This blog post is really just my notes and highlights after reading the very well put article by David Rosenthal on Cryptocurrencies https://blog.dshr.org/2022/02/ee380-talk.html His post is definitely worth the read for anyone who’s a crypto lover or hater.It covers some of the good points, but a lot of the systemic issues with Cryptocurrencies as they… Continue reading Systemic issues with Cryptocurrencies
Decision making process – sense making, solution making, then weighing options
I’ve been thinking about decision making for a while and wanted to point out how important the steps before the decision part is and how you need to use different decision making processes depending on what the problem and solution are.This post isn’t a super clear set of thoughts, it’s more a collection of different… Continue reading Decision making process – sense making, solution making, then weighing options
GoogleCloud Flysystem tweaks to support Uniform bucket-level access in Yii2
When Programming in PHP with the Flysystem File system, you can write files to Google Cloud using the creocoder\flysystem\GoogleCloudFilesystem However when writing such files you can specify the Visibility and set them to public or private.This is great, except when the bucket’s Access Control permissions is set to Uniform. In that case you can’t upload… Continue reading GoogleCloud Flysystem tweaks to support Uniform bucket-level access in Yii2
Jen’s Cyst and Appendix issues – Our Medical Experience
TLDR: Jen was sick. Getting diagnosed was harder than it should be. Update: Thankfully there was no major surgery required. Just some antibiotics. Summary Jen was rolling on the floor in pain, had major bloating, some fever and other issues. We went to the hospital believing it to be appendicitis.The clock starts ticking. You want… Continue reading Jen’s Cyst and Appendix issues – Our Medical Experience
2021 Year in Review
Something I wrote about a while ago was doing weekly reviews.Unfortunately Jen and I probably only did 6 or 7 of these this year with my Oct blog post being the closest to actually writing a review down. A few things that stick out for this year: We had Xavier’s first Birthday Jen’s Ex said… Continue reading 2021 Year in Review
Life Review Oct 2021
Something I do with Jen nearly weekly is a weekly review. But what I haven’t done recently is document it, let alone publicly. I’m not going to do a full review, this will be a bit more a stream of consciousness. At least at the start. Yesterday was my Birthday and I’m now 37 years… Continue reading Life Review Oct 2021
One Oasis, Pasig – Building Letters
For those who need to do deliveries or visit a friend at One Oasis, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines then here’s the buildings with their labels. As you can see from the image, the lettering at One Oasis is a little all over the place.If you are walking from the main gate (top right of the… Continue reading One Oasis, Pasig – Building Letters
Open letter to Mackenzie Scott: 5 Why’s with Effective Altruism – Invest in Post Scarcity Solutions
This is an open letter to MacKenzie Scott and anyone else donating money to charities. Dear MacKenzie Scott, I am impressed with you signing the Giving Pledge and the sheer amount of money you’ve been giving. The world collectively thanks you. However, when looking at how you’ve been selecting and aiming your donations I feel… Continue reading Open letter to Mackenzie Scott: 5 Why’s with Effective Altruism – Invest in Post Scarcity Solutions
2020 – A year in review
Here’s a general look at my year of 2020. The year that started off with epic bushfires in Australia, the Taal volcano in Philippines erupting and will be known as the year of Covid19. There was the massive explosion in Beirut, even brain eating amoebae in a part of the US water supply, the Arecibo… Continue reading 2020 – A year in review