Knight Rider 2008 TV film

Screenshots, and accolades for the TV pilot of the 2008 series of Knight Rider.

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Faulty ram = bad.

A week after installing some new ram my MythUbuntu computer started playing up.
I removed the offending ram, and fixed the issue, with a little bit of data loss.

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Sandisk Extreme Firewire Compact Flash Card Reader – Faulty

Well, being a wedding, and studio portrait photographer, I wanted to upgrade my crappy CF card reader for a riced, uber one. The faster I could find, the Sandisk Extreme Firewire Compact Flash Card Reader. Product specs indicate it’s meant to copy at 40MB/s, run via Firewire, and requires an Extreme IV card to make… Continue reading Sandisk Extreme Firewire Compact Flash Card Reader – Faulty

Say NO to Microsoft Office’s broken file format as an ISO standard.

Say NO to Microsoft Office’s broken file format as an ISO standard. Reasons people should vote No : —————————————- 1. There is already a standard ISO26300 named Open Document Format (ODF): a dual standard adds costs, uncertainty and confusion to industry, government and citizens; 2. There is no provable implementation of the OOXML specification:… Continue reading Say NO to Microsoft Office’s broken file format as an ISO standard.

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Google Maps Street View.

Google Maps new feature, Streetview! It looks like they’ve hooked up a laptop and gps to a van with a 360° camera and taken photos of the streets every 5m or so. I remember reading about the technology and they can make 3D scans of the buildings at the same time. Pretty nifty. In case… Continue reading Google Maps Street View.

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Welcome to 2008

Hello everyone! WELCOME TO 2008! I hope everyone wonderful New Year. Hopefully a year in which School Yard Justice is finally completed and I’ve actually finished the website (a working gallery page is almost finished, which is hopefully the hardest of the programming I can envision). Once School Yard Justice is release we can look… Continue reading Welcome to 2008

X-mas Present suggestions.

Well I’m looking at moving out within the next month or 2, so if anyone wants to buy me some x-mas presents then household things like a toaster, or kettle, cutlery, glasses, and what not would be much more useful than say a DVD of some movie I’ve already got.

Macro Shots

These thumbs link to the 1280×1024 sized photos (my desktop size). These are free for distribution, and you are allowed to manipulate the photos, however proper credit (attribution) must still be given to the author of the originals – Michael Kubler. Please visit for more information, or email me at *Last image edited… Continue reading Macro Shots

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