After a discussion after the GA there was a great idea. Be solutions focused.
This is my proposal to the Occupy Movement
Proposal : Occupy should not talk so much about what we are against. We should primarily talk about viable solutions which we support and why.
We should be solutions focused.
If there is an issue or range of interconnected issues without a viable solution then we can help help facilitate the discussions and education required to then come up with solutions.
- As an example instead of saying we are against the 1%, it would be that we are for Income equality, power equality, and democracy.
- Another example : We support the Beyond Zero Emissions stationary energy plan. A proposal by a group of volunteer engineers which aims to convert Australia to 100% renewable energy.
Why? Because it means our electricity will be cheaper in the long run. It means we can replace the ageing, dirty coal fired power plants with Concentrated Solar Thermal Power stations. We can use wind farms and keep people in jobs (compared to transitioning to a gas power station) and won’t require environmentally destructive industrial processes such as Coal Seam Gas extraction which put our ground water at risk of being permanently destroyed.
We can have our power outlets running off 100% renewable, carbon free energy allowing for a new wave of electric vehicles. - In regards to income equality and the major issues with the economic and political systems, we are still discussing, debating and educating ourselves regarding the root causes and the alternatives available. We can attempt to make changes the current capitalist system or attempt to change to a new system such as Communism and Socialism or some of the newer options like Steady State Economics, True Cost Economics, Participatory Economics and Resource Based Economics.
We hope the public will take part in the discussions, bring their perspectives and help augment and enhance the final proposed solution.
We would like to hear and discuss proposals regarding everything from environmental to social to energy, economic, political to health, food and more.
Note : We don’t need to be locked into a single solution, in many cases it may be better to support/test/advocate a number of them.
comment: Saying we might opt for Communism, amongst other options, is a little naive i suggest- I doubt anyone’s going to opt for THAT after China/Russia etc. Also, i would suggest you be as rigorous as possible in your use of the word ‘we’. In PAragraph 1, it sounds like ‘we’ is Occupy, but in the next paragraph ‘we’ seems to mean the whole of society. i’m just making this suggestion because by attempting to clarify your writing, you will be encouraged to be more clear in your thinking :)