Hi everyone,
Unfortunately due to time constraints, I simply do not have time to write the quality and quantity of posts that I had previously been aiming for.
Instead of trying to post once a week on random things, I am currently aiming on posting more tutorial/informational posts when I have the time.
These will be things that I know about, such as what is required to get a website up and working, PHP programming ideas, or maybe how to setup a portrait photography studio, and in time I’d like to do some video based tutorials. Probably starting off with some Photoshop techniques, and branching out into using a camera, or how to setup your Internet connection. Note that at points I might not post for over a month, that’s usually because I have a large job (like I currently have), and is the nature of being freelance.
I will also be posting the odd random bits of information, and some occasional personal venting or trumpet blowing/promotion.
In the mean time, I hope to continue my Photo(s) of the week, even if I sometimes skip a week and double post.
PS : If you have any requests for information/tutorials on things IT, Web, photography, or video related then leave a comment and I’ll see if it is within my capabilities.
Awwww. That’s no good! Oh well, I’ll just have to take what I can get…. :)