Frame Sizes - Web widget
Q : What is this?
A : This is a small web widget to help determine possible frame sizes when encoding files.
It uses the ratio of width/height of the source footage and displays the possible frame sizes which are a multiple of the divisor.
The divisor is a number (usually 2, 8, or 16), that is usually an imposed restriction by some codecs and filters.
PS: Hover over the [?These question marks show more info... sometimes] for help
Ratio = 1.25 | Divisor = 8 | Max size = 720 | Type = width | Iterator = 10width * height | % of max size |
720px x 576px | 100% |
712px x 568px | 99% |
688px x 552px | 96% |
680px x 544px | 94% |
672px x 536px | 93% |
648px x 520px | 90% |
640px x 512px | 89% |
632px x 504px | 88% |
608px x 488px | 85% |
600px x 480px | 83% |
592px x 472px | 82% |
568px x 456px | 79% |
560px x 448px | 78% |
552px x 440px | 76% |
528px x 424px | 74% |
520px x 416px | 72% |
512px x 408px | 71% |
488px x 392px | 68% |
480px x 384px | 67% |
472px x 376px | 65% |
448px x 360px | 63% |
440px x 352px | 61% |
432px x 344px | 60% |
408px x 328px | 57% |
400px x 320px | 56% |
392px x 312px | 54% |
368px x 296px | 51% |
360px x 288px | 50% |
352px x 280px | 49% |
328px x 264px | 46% |
320px x 256px | 44% |
312px x 248px | 43% |
288px x 232px | 40% |
280px x 224px | 39% |
272px x 216px | 38% |
248px x 200px | 35% |
240px x 192px | 33% |
232px x 184px | 32% |
208px x 168px | 29% |
200px x 160px | 28% |
192px x 152px | 26% |
168px x 136px | 24% |
160px x 128px | 22% |
width * height | % of max size |